Tallinn Design Festival DISAINIÖÖ05/08/2021

We are very excited to partecipate with a very large group of talents at Tallinn Design Festival.

The 16th Tallinn Design Festival DISAINIÖÖ was taking place from 20 to 26 September 2021. This year's theme is the extraordinary and life-saving SOS DESIGN

One of the aims of the festival is to draw attention to the role of design in resolving changes and crisis situations in society. In the context of a pandemic, the role of crisis design is more important than ever before. And not just in healthcare. There are many global problems that require urgent intervention: the economic crisis, global warming, the energy crisis, poverty, and so on.  

The festival program focuses on crisis design topics: corresponding exhibitions, workshops and discussions will take place. Experts with international crisis experience from all over Europe will speak at the conference. The international exhibition "SOS Design" brings to the viewer examples of the responsible design of the ArtsThread competition (UK) from more than ten countries. 

The heart of the festival is located in the Põhjala factory, whose interiors and exteriors the organizers, the volunteers and Valgusfestival production will vivify. In addition to multiple exhibition openings, the opening night of the festival will see the old rubber factory's space filled with gospel-like light design show ”Future Cemetery”, which will reflect on the topic of tomorrow’s graveyards.

